Beverly Copeland
Prairie View A&M University, USA
Beverly Copeland has her expertise in childhood obesity working in low-income and underserved populations. She seeks to find solutions to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Dr. Copeland is a registered and licensed dietitian with the skill set needed to understand and develop tailored nutrition intervention programs to combat childhood obesity. She continues to work with caregivers, teachers, and other stakeholders who are interested in seeing childhood obesity on a downward trajectory. She is currently working on research to analyze and evaluate meals served in State-Registered Private Childcare Settings. This information will be used to determine the adequacy of meals served to children against the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines. Dr. Copeland is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture and Human Ecology at Prairie View A&M University. She previously served in the department for two and half years as the Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics.